Performed by Max Kleene 

Produced by Haiku Quan

Recorded Saturday, August 6, 2022,

in the Akijima Event Sim of The Akipelago by Akiko Kinoshi´s (a.kiko)

The Lyrics Prize was an award of over L$100,00 to the residents of Second Life who wrote the best new lyrics to 12 popular songs. The winners were selected by the contest’s sponsor, Haiku Quan, and Max Kleene sang all 12 songs with the winning lyrics at this Lyrics Prize Concert.

Max sings the winning lyrics for each of the winning songs at:

1:30 Persephone Phoenix “Learning to Fly”

Well I got reborn
In my second life.
I was a lamb well shorn
Of my mundane strife.

And I love to fly
Over hills and seas.
It’s hard to explain
What that means to me.

Yeah back in the day
Is a lot of years.
Remember the laughs
And all the tears.

I learned how to fly
Without any wings.
Algebra makes it
The simplest thing.

We all must die
But not quite yet.
What we remember
Is all we get.

But if I’m kind
Remember me well.
Because this is heaven
And this is hell.

I learned how to fly
Without any wings.
Algebra makes it
The simplest thing.

I’m learning to land
On phantom ground.
Like red balloons
We must all come down.

Learning to land
Is the hardest thing.
But every Winter
Has a brand new Spring.


6:40 Dante Helios (Dantelios) “Ballad of Second Life”

When first, I came in this world
Had no clue what was possible
Just thought to have a look around
And now I feel loved

Wandered round a bit aimlessly
Bumping into walls, falling off stairs
Laughing at myself as I learned
And now I feel loved

Made some friends met some weirdos too
Learned to pick up on all the clues
Had my share of pain and drama too
And now I feel loved

Met a girl I seemed to like
Found out she was a man
Did I know???

When first, I came in this world
Had no clue what was possible
Just thought to have a look around
And now I feel loved

Met a girl I seemed to like
Found out she was a man
Did I know???

Then in the end I decided to
Try again to find someone new
Someone who would be pure and true
And now I feel loved

Met a girl and we bonded fast
Knew at once, this was bound to last
Felt our way towards sharing all
And now I feel loved

Every day is like a gift
Giving love and finding bliss
So glad I stuck it out
Learned what love is all about
Did I know? Yeah Yeah!

When first, I came in this world
Had no clue what was possible
Just thought to have a look around
And now I feel loved


13:00 Merry (Merope Madrigal) “Dreaming of a Better World”

Today I looked across the floor,
As you swept out of the door,
The gull’s cry at the shore as she flies
Up in the sky wanting more.
I know deep down in my core
There’s nothin’, baby, left inside the store.

Come on world let’s climb
To the heights where life is fine
We’re just – dreaming a better world – so
Let’s make it shine

We need to find the joy inside
Through the currents and the tide
Like the sea birds when they glide up in the sky.
So let’s lift our hearts in song
And invite the world along
To join in with us on this happy ride.

Come on world let’s climb
To the heights where life is fine
We’re just – dreaming a better world – so
Let’s make it shine

Wake up, world of mine
Our future’s on the line
We’re just – dreaming a better world – so
Let’s make it shine

Wake up, world of mine
Our future’s on the line
We’re just – dreaming a better world – so
Let’s make it shine


17:40 Dante Helios (Dantelios) “Telling Me To Stop”

When I start to learn about the facts of life
When I’m hit by pain and a world of strife
When I feel I’m sinking down far too deep
When it all invades into my dreaming sleep
When it feels like nothing that I do is right
That’s when I feel the universal light
Telling me to stop

I remember how it once used to be
Moving on just to force myself free
But always losing a part of me

In the end I knew I had to ask why
Had to try to learn a way to get by
Or I knew I’d just simply die

So I start to learn about the facts of life
When I’m hit by pain and a world of strife
When I feel I’m sinking down far too deep
When it all invades into my dreaming sleep
When it feels like nothing that I do is right
That’s when I feel the universal light

Some of life’s best lessons always come with pain
Makes you feel you’re sitting getting soaked with rain
But then your heart just opens up to change

That’s when love truly floods within
That’s when life really does begin
And you know that you must let go and start again

So I start to learn about the facts of life
When I’m hit by pain and a world of strife
When I feel I’m sinking down far too deep
When it all invades into my dreaming sleep
When it feels like nothing that I do is right
That’s when I feel the universal light

Telling me to stop
and look around
Telling me to stop
and look around
Open up my heart

So I start to learn about the facts of life
When I’m hit by pain and a world of strife
When I feel I’m sinking down far too deep
When it all invades into my dreaming sleep
When it feels like nothing that I do is right
That’s when I feel the universal light

So I start to learn about the facts of life
When I’m hit by pain and a world of strife
When I feel I’m sinking down far too deep
When it all invades into my dreaming sleep
When it feels like nothing that I do is right
That’s when I feel the universal light


24:06 Rosemary (DjBasya) “Just Be You”

Amazing today
We’ve got a way
To spend moments wisely
Moments of thrills
Every moment’s a time to remember
Sunshine or rain
Everything is gonna be ok

Just be you ( in your own way)
Count it joy ( that you’re here )
The past is gone, lets start a new

Sometimes we get a way
To express ourselves, just don’t suppress it
Play it differently
And let the fun just flow naturally ****
Dreaming is free
And its for people like you and me

Just be you ( in your own way)
Count it joy ( that your here)
The past is gone. lets start a new

And healings of pain
Will restore your life in every way and
Just keep it clear
You are the one who can conquer your fears
Live on to see
That life is beautiful for you and me

Just be you( in your own way)
Count it Joy( that your here)
The past is gone, lets start a new


29:00 Dante Helios (Dantelios) Reach for the Sky”

We start out full of hope, with nothing out of reach
But as we make our way in life our wings are clipped
By those who stand for things we never would have known
If life were truly like the fantasies we’ve sown

Its as we grow we live and learn
And in the end we fly
I hope you learn to reach for the sky

So turn around and look at what you’ve left behind
Try to imagine how it might have turned out right
If only you had known before those first brave steps
That took you stumbling into those dark regrets

Its as we grow we live and learn
And in the end we fly
I hope you learn to reach for the sky

Its as we grow we live and learn
And in the end we fly
I hope you learn to reach for the sky

Its as we grow we live and learn
And in the end we fly
I hope you learn to reach for the sky


33:30 Persephone Phoenix We Didn’t Make the World”

Phillip Rosedale, Linden Labs gave us half of what we have.
Ghosted avies, texture hair. Still halfway there.
Beta testers broke the sims in half with tortured torus prims
Then came w-hat. PLastic Duck. Beware!

Plastic Duck, super cutie sticks a tin can on your bootie.
Now you’ve got that tin can kicking your behind.
Plastick Duck White hat Black Hat mostly luck.
SL is the ice cream truck very few can find.

We didn’t make the world.
But we made it better.
It’s the second ever
And we didn’t make the world.
But it still keeps changing
And rearranging.

Siggy made it extra hot with his sexy hot tub. Thought
sex beds might be just as cool. Made a million bucks.
Now it’s mesh and av sitters. Only fools were ever quitters.
Second life is paradise with a million fucks.

Anshe Chung was on the cover of the magazines. Remember
All that glitters isn’t gold. Least we’re always told.
Still we had the chance to make it. Rez it, texture it and bake it.
Where else can a person fake it: young inside the old.

We didn’t make the world.
But we made it better.
It’s the second ever
And we didn’t make the world.
But it still keeps changing
And rearranging.

Nebbisk Oh, Circe, and Stosh, Serena, Nancy oh my gosh
Scarp and probably dozens more. They brought art.
Words and songs and all the time shared with us before they died.
Have a happy afterlife my sweet hearts.

On the forums Lucifer, Prok and Tory, Some with fur,
some with giant scripted wings. Some Just trolled.
Back when Midnight meant a Chip, back when sailing meant a ship,
Back when main was all of it, we enrolled.

We didn’t make the world.
But we made it better.
It’s the second ever
And we didn’t make the world.
But it still keeps changing
And rearranging.

San Francisco SLC See now what you’ve done to me?
Romeo and Juliet you’ve got three days.
Astrin Few setting the stage, how we danced as Rusty played.
music filled the universe a million ways.

As the sky grew lit again, Manx, Hypatia, all my friends
In the park with Linden men, RL frays.

We didn’t make the world.
But we made it better.
It’s the second ever
And we didn’t make the world.
But it still keeps changing
And rearranging.

Wagner Au wrote up a book. BAL a second look.
Ten years later we got mesh and we ain’t done.
Baby we got miles of sims, general adult and then
moderate, so honey pie we all got fun.

Get your passport. Bring your jokes. Bring your guitar and your folks.
Take a trip to far. Leave some linden in the jar.
Pack your penis, life stream, wake up in another dream.
Seconds from the sim seam here we are.

We didn’t make the world.
But we made it better.
It’s the second ever
And we didn’t make the world.
But it still keeps changing
And rearranging.


38:45 Merry (Merope Madrigal) “Defeat the Nighttime”

Rays of sunshine
Light the nighttime,
Like neon flashing signs
Into your darkened joys;
Blinding to you,
Lazer through you.
Have you not worked it out?
It’s not a stupid ploy!

I wanted us to share it.
I needed you to let it
Melt the ice, in your heart.
Day was waiting,
Not hesitating,
To shine into the dark.

Mem’ries crowd in
Of forgotten sin,
Cutting through your hope
Like a knife cuts to the bone.
Love is right here,
When you see clear,
Night can be pushed away
As we embrace the day.

I wanted us to share it.
I needed you to let it
Melt the ice, in your heart.
Day was waiting,
Not hesitating,
To shine into the dark.

I wanted us to share it.
I needed you to let it
Melt the ice, in your heart.
Day was waiting,
Not hesitating,
To shine into the dark.


43:45 THIRD PLACE Dana Enyo “Cecilia Surprise”

It’s another Cecilia surprise
She’s telling me over the phone
She’s coming home

She left me 3 years ago
Said she had to go and find her life
Not as my wife

She never sent me a Christmas card
Never cared that missing her was hard
I’m something to discard

I fed my pain for way too long
And I always wondered what went wrong
Where do I belong?

My friends finally talked sense to me
It took me those two years to see
Take care of ME.

I picked up my trusty cellphone
Sent her back my thinking in a text:
“Here is what’s next–

I don’t need your Cecilia surprise
So turn around right where you are.
Stay very far.”


48:45 Dante Helios (Dantelios) “Leads to Pain”

I tried to walk the road that leads me to your broken heart
A road so full of bumps and holes it pushed us right apart
A road I thought at first was gonna be so smooth and straight
But in the end its led to hate.. to hate

Each time we start to walk these roads we think it’ll be alright
Phone calls and texts, bold wishes sent throughout the long hot night
The first few dates are all about the thrill, the chase, the game
But in the end it’s led to blame . . to blame

Along that winding road we try to share so openly,
Those warning signs are there so very plain for us to see
Ignoring every sign of incompatibility
Leads to pain . . to pain

Insults are now the words we have
To throw around instead of love
Remember how those words once seemed to come straight from above
We twist them round now ’til they burn
And hurt without a single care
Obliterating every trace of love we used to share

Along that winding road we try to share so openly,
Those warning signs are there so very plain for us to see
Ignoring every sign of incompatibility
Leads to pain . . to pain

Along that winding road we try to share so openly,
Those warning signs are there so very plain for us to see
Ignoring every sign of incompatibility
Leads to pain . . to pain

Along that winding road we try to share so openly,
Those warning signs are there so very plain for us to see
Ignoring every sign of incompatibility
Leads to pain . . to pain


53:40 SECOND PLACE Daisy Dingle “Wish You Were Here”

Oh, Oh I wish I believed
I’d have some relief
I’d see you again.
You swear Heaven is real
And that we’ll be there…
It’s really not fair….
Oh I wish I believed

Do you think it’s okay…
To muse for us both?
Is your faith enough?
To just help me trust…
After dying I’ll wake
That it’s not all fake
How nice for you, to be sure
Content because of your faith….

Oh if I, Oh if I could believe….
I’d be a wandering soul
Wishing to grow old
So you’d be near.
Thinking all about Heaven now
Once lost, now found
I’d be so relieved
If I just believed


59:15 FIRST PLACE Dante Helios (Dantelios) “My Gay Stories”

Childhood thoughts all about my self, flowing through my youthful mind
Hung about with Disney dreams of those maidens very kind
“We’ll find girls like that soon enough, “ said I, not knowing how.
Ah, but I was so much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now

Girls bodies filled my fantasies, as I occupied my time
Hatching plans of how to help them see they should be mine
“We’ll make them see without a doubt, “ said I. convinced myself somehow
Ah, but I was so much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now

At college I began to feel that other thoughts were born
First frightened to admit a truth but gradually was torn
As all around me friends would laugh at guys who we put down
Ah, but I was so much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now

Out in the world I tried to cope with feelings running wild
Emotions thoughts and growing fears. of how I’d be reviled
Repressed and pushed down deep inside, I carried on somehow
Ah, but I was so much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now

Grey suits bow ties were at my neck, walking in the pouring rain
Smile with joy on city streets moving on the gravy train
“We’ll make the grade so soon, “ said I, so proud to swear that vow
Ah, but I was so much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now

Now rainbow streamers in my hair, flowing in the swirling sky
March with pride on city streets waving banners up on high
“We’ll love so freely soon, “ said I, proud hearts beating loud
Looking back I was much straighter then, I’m gayer than that now


The Lyrics Prize awards were made by Haiku Quan.

“Special thanks go out Max Kleene for an outstanding performance of all the winning lyrics, to Akiko Kinoshi for her generous use of the Akijima Event Sim and for her help and advice on a thousand items, to Blue Tsuki for building the magnificent concert hall where the concert took place, to Violet Boa for her promotional help, to Kris Composer for being available as Max’s back up performer, to Mitsuko Kytori of Hayabusa Design. for exterior landscaping and interior floral design, to Persephone Phoenix for the Lyrics Contest Winners Book, to Betty Tureaud for the Lyrics Prize and Lyrics Prize Concert posters, to Tia Rungray (Tialer Mimulus) for creating the logos for Haiku Quan and The Akipelago, to CARELYNA and Shyla the Super Gecko (krijon) for early advice, suggestions and support, and to Klannex Northmead for publicizing the contest and the concert in The Apple.”

Haiku Quan

Copies of the Lyrics Contest Winners Book can be obtained for free HERE PLEASE


Akiko’s Note:

“We had a pretty huge turnout for the event of roughly ~140-150 people in the sim simultaneously. Minimal lag and an acceptable viewer frame for most people (15-20 FPS). Built-in nearby chat extender to 100m worked seamlessly as well. Akijima is an Event Sim and the flagship of the Akipelago — my chain of islands 🙂 My thanks to everyone who helped us pull this off and especially to everyone who turned out for Haiku’s Grand Debut! Congratulations again Haiku!!!”


For more info on Linden event regions, check please HERE


Maximillion Kleene

Max Kleene
Maximillion Kleene

Streaming from Niagara Falls, Maximillion Kleene brings a vast repertoire of popular music to Second Life.

His dynamic musical range and smooth groove has earned Max 11 Avi-Choice Awards over 4 years (2012-2016) in multiple categories including Favorite Male Performer.

Max started his music career with formal study of piano at the Royal Conservatory but quickly realized that it was the guitar guys who got the chicks. By 19, he was seriously immersed to the very center of his musical soul in AC/DC and from there branched out to experiment with sounds that range from Pearl Jam to Foo Fighters, The Beatles to Jason Mraz.

Max brings high energy and a vast repertoire of quirky, classic, and current covers to Second Life. Oozing charisma and charm, he provides his fans with an hour of musical magic.

Max’s group and subscribo fans are over 4000 people…. so he draws a crowd!!

Follow, Max´s Calender

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