I have already talked about SpeedLight in this my previous video. You can find it also in the description of this video or click the infobox at the top-right.

My previous video about SpeedLight

As you know, SpeedLight is a web-browser and an app to log in to Second Life, realized by the same creator of Smartbot. Actually, unlike when I recorded my previous video, SpeedLight has developed a mobile app available for android and iOS also. It is responsive themed so that you can see it excellent as well as mobile and tablet. In brief, the tool has these main features: 

  • 100% browser-based, no downloads required
  • 100% mobile and tablet ready
  • Allows switching between devices without logging out
  • Allows keeping avatar online 24/7
  • IM history is always available (even offline)

I link all essential pages for more info in the description of this video. I like to focus on the Gold Plan, that it’s particularly adapt for business people. 

SpeedLight offers two plans: Free and Gold

If you need to log in to second life occasionally, the free plan is enough for sure. You can log in, stay logged for one hour continuously, and interact with your friends without problems. The app is stable so that you will appreciate this aspect if you are used like me to crash often using Lumiya.

If you need to stay logged in for more than one hour continuously, be available for your customers, move in a 3D world, send IMs to multiply people, you should choose a Gold Plan. 


The Gold Plan offers you more flexibility, and you will be able to do things that you could do just with a bot instead. For example, if you usually keep your bot online to receive customers’ messages, you will reply later, with SpeedLight you will be able to see the IM directly to your smartphone or other device and interact with the person immediately. I use it in this way, so people can easily find me online, and I don’t lose any message.

So, The Gold Plan is, in my opinion, particularly adapt to business people, since it offers:

  • Keeping the avatar online for an unlimited time;
  • Moving in the 3D view;
  • Sending IMs to many people simultaneously.

How much it costs?

You can make your avatar Gold for L$1990 per month

The alternative is supporting SpeedLight on Patron choosing at least the Gold Patron Plan, for 8 $ per month. You can make your avatar Gold clicking on the “get more time” option you find at the right-bottom of your SpeedLight dashboard.

Finally, you can earn suggesting SpeedLight for each person who chooses the Gold Plan.

You cand find all the useful links for more info at the end of this post.

I use and love SpeedLight; it gives me stability and the chance to be online all the time I need.

It’s all for now, guys, if you like my videos don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

See you at the next one!


Useful Links

The SpeedLight Docs: https://docs.speedlight.io/

For easy comparison between the free and the gold plan: https://docs.speedlight.io/viewer-fea…

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