April 30th – 6 AM SLT – 22 JST

Live music with “Piano & Noise”

Tia Rungray  live at Ruins in Paradiso

‘Ruins’ is a landscape directed by Cain Evergarden (Paradiso) to the surround sound object ‘Tia Rungray – Strukturo 9ch Multi-Channel Mix’. Under normal conditions, the space offers a decadent landscape with sound.

We hope you will enjoy it with live music by Tia Rungray.

「Ruins」はサラウンドサウンドオブジェクト「Tia Rungray – Strukturo 9ch Multi Channel Mix」に合わせてCain Evergarden (Paradiso)がディレクションした景観です。通常時は、退廃的な風景を音と共に楽しめる空間となっております。
今回はTia Rungrayの生演奏と共に楽しんでいただけると幸いです。

YouTube Live Stream


Ruins in Paradiso – Teleport

Welcome for the beauty of thinking in sounds!

All information’s about Tia Rungray in my “Interview with Artist”

New Singe “Cremation” is NOW available!

Website – Apple Music – Spotify – Amazon Music

Music: Tia Rungray
Art Work: Mimi Nakajoh
Mix, Mastering & Design: Takayuki Noami (Non-REM Studio)

The song “Cremation” was first performed by Tia Rungray at a live concert to celebrate the release of “MindgEsso” in June 2018, and has since undergone a number of live arrangements. Now it’s time to release it as a single version.
With a mainly post-classical approach, Tia Rungray has matured his sound by applying the techniques he tried on “Strukturo”, released in February 2021.

Follow Tia Rungray:

Second Life Info Group – Tia’s Web Event Page Info Group in Second Life

Apple Music – Tia Rungray Facebook – Twitter – YouTube – Instagram

To support Tia, use please: PayPal and JP

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