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Tonight we talk about Mistero Hifeng, and as I publish my posts also in the forum of ArtByte dedicated to the artists of the virtual world, it is appropriate that I introduce him.
Mistero Hifeng has been decorating the Second Life® sims for years with his sweet and exciting art.

He is defined by many as a romantic Italian artist, capable of transforming pixels into emotions.

In this post, I would like to share my experience on his renewed sim compared to the last time I visited it.
I shot a video letting me inspire it by his statues and the atmosphere that the sim suggested to me at the time.

Mistero has given me some of the beautiful artworks that I used to decorate Santa Maria dell’Isola di Tropea (I publicly thank him for this).

For more info about him, my ECLIPSE Magazine’s article here:

Good vision!



Vivo e cammino capovolto


I am passionate about communication and the Second Life community. I share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge through words, conversations, and machinima. I believe that machinima is a powerful tool for presenting events and experiences in Second Life and that it can transport viewers into the heart of these virtual moments. I invite you to join me on an exciting adventure as we explore, learn, and celebrate the remarkable world of Second Life together.

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