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Happy Tuesday dear reader; this morning, home on sick leave, I took some time to explore some of the wonderful gifts that Second Life creators kindly offer at events, group gifts, etc.
In this post, I would like to introduce you to The Makeover Room group gift, a very elegant ball gown or role play dress created especially by Entice.
I didn’t miss the chance to wear it and take some pictures at the Crystal Line Romantic ballroom. After trying out different windlights, I experimented with some variations at Anya OhMai‘s Depth Map EEP. In that elegant context of harmonious lighting, I found the effect interesting.
I leave you the credits of the outfit below. For the make-up I used the one provided by Lelutka, graduating its intensity.

What I am wearing

  • Sweet Art – Neck Flower @equal10
  • Sweet Art – Mouth Flower @equal10
  • Sweet Art – Face Flower @equal10
  • RAWR! Riley Earrings HUMAN EvoX
  • [Rezz Room] Panther Animesh (Companion) v1.0.0
  • Entice – Carmina Burana – BlackPink – Maitreya
  • Avada~ Ballerina Nude French Tips Nails – Maitreya
  • Kibitz – Tati’s necklace – fatpack
My Immortal

Teleport to The Makeover Room

Leggi in Italiano

Buon martedì caro lettore; stamattina, costretta a casa in malattia, ho impiegato un po’ di tempo a esplorare alcuni splendidi regali che i creataors di Second Life gentilmente offrono in occasione di eventi, group gifts etc.
In questo post desidero presentarti The Makeover Room group gift, un elegantissimo abito da ballo o da role play creato appositamente da Entice.
Non ho perso l’occasione per indossarlo e scattare qualche foto al Crystal Line Romantic ballroom. Dopo avere provato diversi windlight, ho sperimentato alcune varianti alla Depht Map EEP di Anya OhMai. In quel contesto elegante di luci armoniose, ho trovato l’effetto interessante.
Ti lascio in calce al post in lingua inglese. Per il make up ho usato quello in dotazione da Lelutka, graduandone l’intensità.


I am passionate about communication and the Second Life community. I share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge through words, conversations, and machinima. I believe that machinima is a powerful tool for presenting events and experiences in Second Life and that it can transport viewers into the heart of these virtual moments. I invite you to join me on an exciting adventure as we explore, learn, and celebrate the remarkable world of Second Life together.

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