Black and white photography lives from attention to composition, forms, textures, and contrasts. It focuses on the essentials detached from objects and thus emphasizes feelings. Depicted faces feel more intense and sensitive and tend to induce deep feelings and the perception of the whole.

Nok Kirax is a “heart-warming storyteller” of black and white photography, a medium that speaks to us immediately and intensely.

I find deep emotions in each of his photos, which lead to a never-ending excitement. The longer I look at his photos, the stronger get the emotions, guiding me to new and deeper feelings and new stories in my soul.

I try to understand what sort of feelings he conveys in a photo, for example, in the picture of the woman below, we see the sadness and obvious fatigue, leading to questions like what she has experienced, what has frightened her, or why there is fear in her eyes.

Tendencial Misanthropic
Tendencial Misanthropic

Or the case of the elderly gentleman’s face, which expresses pain, struggle, and even resignation.

Life Sucks

In contrast, a woman’s face irradiates joy and love, like a flower in the sun, with the red color in the black and white picture expressing the feeling of deep love.


Or perhaps the reflection of the face of a young goddess, not yet aware of her power, yet we recognize it despite her naïve smile.

The Question
The Question

And another picture, with the hidden eyes of a man expressing

what he is maybe whispering to the invisible woman in his soul:

Maybe I met you a lifetime ago,
but now again I’m losing me in this endless garden of your eyes,
the color of later summer of your hair.

Beautiful, thought

And I extend my hand toward the trembling hand.
In all of my dreams.

The Beekeeper
The Barkeeper

Not long time ago, my friend and I visited Nok’s exhibition,

already by his first photography we feel teleported in *higher state of mind”.

The power of Black & White photography worked,
It enabled us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

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  • A Dark Night In The City
  • And This Is How The Story Begins
  • Black Hat
  • Joy Is Just A Lack Of Information
  • Lost
  • Open Gates
  • She Was Called The Divine
  • Take The Advice
  • The Doctor Is In
  • The Masks We Wear

Nok is not only a great artist, but also a wonderful friend, a man that one can trust unconditionally, introverted, but a dear and loyal friend within a small circle of friends, a man who loves a woman as a sister, admires her as a mother, respects her like a queen, and brings a smile to her face as a little girl, always embracing her to protect her.

He is a man who enriches the lives of others through his admirable and noble embracing of the soul and the understanding of the peculiarity and singularity of others.

Nok says in his profile:

“You don’t need religion to have morals.

If you can’t determine right from wrong,

then you lack empathy not religion.”

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Nok Kirax

I would like to finish my Blog with Anais Nin´s Quote:

“Each friend represents a world in us,

a world possibly not born until they arrive,

and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”

And big: Thank you, Nok!

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